
Lum Head Primary School, Gatley

School Meals

School Menu
Our school meals are provided by Totally Local Company. 

The menu is done on a rolling 3 weeks.


We cater for many dietary requirements so please ask at the office if you have any questions.

If you would like your child to start school meals, please contact the office.


Dinner Money Fees:

To assist with your calculations see below:
Per day                       £2.60                                                      
2 days                         £5.20
3 days                         £7.80
4 days                         £10.40
5 days                         £13.00
Payments must be made via parent pay.


Free School Meals, are you eligible?

Have your circumstances changed during the pandemic? Not sure if you qualify for free school meals? Click here to check if you can claim. Usually, if you are in receipt of Income Support, Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income related Employment Support Allowance or the Guarantee part of Pension Credit or if you have an annual income (as assessed by the HM Revenue & Customs) of less than £16,190 each year you will be eligible for Free School Meals.