
Lum Head Primary School, Gatley

Curriculum Plans

Lum Head Primary School Curriculum Statement


At Lum Head Primary School we believe that children learn best when they are happy and motivated to learn.  We provide a challenging, engaging, creative curriculum which is fun and exciting.  We are committed to delivering a curriculum which enables all our children to become confident and ambitious, lifelong learners.  We aim to develop our children’s skills and knowledge as well as encouraging curiosity, aspiration and a love of learning through a balance of year group curriculum coverage and whole school ’Weeks of Wonder’.

Our curriculum reflects the values we believe define our good practice here at Lum Head.  We have an inclusive ethos promoting the school community as a family. We celebrate the diversity of our community and promote respect and tolerance for others.  Our curriculum provides opportunities for children to celebrate the richer and deeper aspects of school life through clubs, sports, music, Forest School, trips, visitors and parental involvement.  We have high expectations across the subjects. 

We aim to have strong and consistent teaching and learning across the school provided by a talented staff team who support each other and promote high expectations.


Implementation and Impact


  • We secure National Curriculum coverage ensuring that all pupils from Year1 to Year 6 study the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Computing. The foundation subjects of History, Geography, Music, Art, PE, French (KS2 only), Design & Technology plus Religious Education and Personal Social and Health Education (including RSE) make up the rest of our curriculum. We plan across year groups, Key Stages and the whole school in order that we have consistent approaches.  We have high expectations throughout school.


  • In our EYFS we provide a balance between child initiated and adult directed activities, underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The coverage and progression across the seven areas of learning is ensured through the expertise of the whole Early Years team.


  • We follow the Letters and Sounds Scheme for phonics lessons, and No Nonsense Spelling for spelling lessons. We use a range of different reading schemes as part of our book bands, including Oxford Reading Tree, Collins Pathways, Project X, Snapdragons and Collins Big Cat. For guided reading sessions we use a variety of texts from different genre. Cracking Comprehension and Reading Explorers texts are used in KS1 and KS2.


  • Every half term we highlight one area of our wider curriculum and the whole school takes part in a ‘Week of Wonder’. Our ‘Weeks of Wonder’ are planned so that all our children have an opportunity to enjoy learning, have new and memorable experiences and are given an opportunity to excel. These weeks are planned to maximise opportunities for wider community participation so that connections are made between learning, our community and future aspirations.


  • The wider curriculum influences and supports core subjects by putting learning into context. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning is central to our school’s curriculum. We celebrate our diversity which is a key feature of our community.  We make connections to our wider community through our ‘Weeks of Wonder’, visitors to school and visits to places of worship or local interest. 


For more information on the curriculum we follow for each year group, please see individual year groups under Curriculum under the School Life tab.
