
Lum Head Primary School, Gatley


Ofsted 2024

On 30th and 31st of January, we had another successful Ofsted inspection. Lum Head Primary continues to be a 'Good' school.  The Inspection was carried out under Section 8 of the Education Act 2005 and as such is called an ungraded inspection. The report below is, therefore, a summary of the visit and doesn't give details of the many wonderful lessons observed. This report builds on the previous Ofsted Inspection of February 2019 that was a more detailed Section 5 report. This report can also be found below. 


Ofsted 2019

We are delighted to share with you our Ofsted report from our inspection from February 2019. We are incredibly proud that our report reflects the warm, thriving and aspirational school that is Lum Head. We intended to pull out particular highlights of the report to share with you, but the list grew longer and longer, so we leave it to you to choose your favourite quotes!


We are hugely proud of our children, and that the report describes them as polite, courteous, well-mannered, kind and caring. Equally, we are so proud of our staff team, who have worked tirelessly and enthusiastically to transform Lum Head into a nurturing, caring, inclusive and fun school with the highest expectations for all.


We are very grateful to you, our parents and carers, who have come out in force to support and praise our school. The inspectors were overwhelmed by your responses, as were we.


We feel very privileged to lead such an amazing school!


Thank you everyone.


If you would like to see our school for yourself, please contact us. We would be delighted to show you around.
